Monday, April 30, 2007

Harp practice

Whoops, missed yesterday.

Start 6:55 pm

Tam - Hard parts @ 80.

Welsh Airs 1

Break 7:05 pm - 7:15 pm

Back to Welsh Airs 1. I'm playing at about 54, it's supposed to be 112. Ack! Worked on hard part several times, trying to play a little faster.

Welsh P - Worked on RH for I, then played whole song through. My middle finger will NOT stay tucked in. I think it's physically impossible. (Buzzing on the turns on measures 18 and 36.)

Las Man - Whole song, then focused on measures 1-9. Need to work on 8 more.

And @ 126 was pretty good!!

Finish 7:55 pm

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